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Medical Writing

When it comes to imple­men­ting planned measures and crea­ting the respec­tive content, you can count on us:
  • Concep­tual design and content imple­men­ta­tion of commu­ni­ca­tion, infor­ma­tion and trai­ning measures of all kinds.
  • Medical editing.


Speci­fi­cally, you can expect these services from us:


Articles for trade and consumer media, folders, mailings, brochures, flyers, press releases, reviews, casu­i­stics, guide­lines, patient diaries, news­let­ters, special publi­ca­tions, adver­to­rials, study summa­ries, product mono­graphs, value dossiers, trai­ning materials


Concep­tion and crea­tion of web content, e‑learning, e‑detailing, content for apps, power point presen­ta­tions, video produc­tions, SEO search engine optimization


Concep­tual and content-related support, speaker support, slide deck crea­tion and review, expert inter­views, confe­rence coverage

All our services

Medical Writing



Rese­arch and Translation


Would you like to learn more about our work?

Then please contact us.