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Project list

Over­view of some of our previous projects


  • Product mono­graph sublin­gual immunotherapy
  • Trade press releases and patient infor­ma­tion on food allergies
  • Target groups: physi­cians, patients


  • Web content, info­gra­phics, slidekits
  • Target groups: physi­cians, patients

Asthma / COPD

  • Web content for pati­ents’ website
  • Multi-channel-campaign for GP’s and medical specialists
  • Congress report, press release ERS Inter­na­tional Congress
  • Target groups: physi­cians, patients


  • Patient brochure psoriasis
  • Scien­tific brochure hair loss
  • Hyalu­ronic filler: case reports, fact sheets, press releases
  • HAE: study summa­ries, confe­rence reports, press releases, special publi­ca­tions, patient brochure, case reports, backgrounder
  • Expert inter­view on inflamm­a­tory skin disorders
  • Specia­list article on topical treat­ment of atopic dermatitis
  • Search engine opti­mized content on the topic of wound healing/local treatment
  • Target groups: physi­cians, patients


  • Content for pati­ents’ website and aware­ness campaigns
  • Prepa­ra­tion and summary of scien­tific studies
  • Web content for physi­cians website
  • News­let­ters and press releases
  • Consul­ting with regard to campaign deve­lo­p­ment for fast acting insulin
  • Target groups: physi­cians, patients

General medi­cine

  • Hyper­ten­sion, obesity
  • Patient brochures, subs­tance library GIP-/GLP1-agonist
  • Target groups: pati­ents, physicians


  • Topics: Meno­pause, contracep­tion, prenatal diagnosis. inti­mate care
  • KOL inter­views, adver­to­rials, website content, iPhone app, news­letter, adver­ti­se­ments, support for customer inquiries
  • Target groups: gyneco­lo­gists, labo­ra­to­ries, pati­ents, midwives

Hearing aids

  • Consul­ting, concept deve­lo­p­ment and content writing of newsletters
  • Target group: EBT specialists


  • News­let­ters and press releases
  • Target groups: physi­cians, patients

Internal medi­cine: gastroenterology

  • Topics: opioid induced cons­ti­pa­tion, chronic inflamm­a­tory bowel dise­ases, bowel clean­sing, heartburn, GERD, stoma manage­ment, Clos­tri­dium diffi­cile infec­tion (CDI), eosi­no­philic esopha­gitis, colonic diver­ti­cu­losis, micro­scopic colitis
  • Concept deve­lo­p­ment, crea­tion of web content, press releases, confe­rence reports, journal articles, trans­la­tion of case reports, mailings, brochures, trans­la­tion of slide kits
  • Target groups: physicians

Internal medi­cine: cardiology

  • Content support for trai­ning DVD on pulmo­nary hypertension
  • Target group: cardiologists

Internal medi­cine: nephrology

  • Topics: renal failure, solu­tions for peri­to­neal dialysis, hemo­fil­tra­tion and hemo­dia­lysis, hemofilters
  • Inter­ac­tive PDF, brochures, app, patient folder, certi­fied e‑learning program
  • Target groups: nephrolo­gists, consumers

Internal medi­cine: endocrinology/thyroid disease

  • Patient brochure on cholesterol
  • Thyroid disease: medical and edito­rial manage­ment of the website, concept deve­lo­p­ment for and super­vi­sion of KOL work­shops and expert forums, design and imple­men­ta­tion of content for pedia­tric patient training
  • Target groups: general prac­tioners, endo­cri­no­lo­gists, patients


  • Topics: PD-L1 inhi­bi­tors, topoi­so­me­rase inhi­bi­tors, tyro­sine kinase inhi­bi­tors, mono­clonal anti­bo­dies, biosimilars
  • Study summa­ries, trans­la­tions of study summa­ries, webcon­tent for physi­cians and pati­ents, brochures, e‑detailings, slide­kits, iPad apps, facts­heets, back­groun­ders, product mono­graphs, study folders, submis­sion folders, inter­na­tional fact sheets guide­lines, short films, certi­fied e‑learning program
  • Target groups: onco­lo­gists, pati­ents, sales force


  • Glau­coma and diabetic macular edema, dry eye disease, geogra­phic atrophy
  • Webcon­tent, patient brochures, e‑detailer, physi­cian folder, support in prelaunch phase
  • Target group: pati­ents, prac­tice staff, ophthalmologists


  • Case report on calci­fying tendinitis
  • Target group: orthopedist

OTC: fever and pain medication

  • Web content for consumer websites, press releases
  • Consul­ta­tion on online press page
  • Trai­ning for pharmacists
  • Target groups: pati­ents, pharmacists

OTC: cough therapy

  • Adver­to­rials, supple­ment, product flyer, trai­ning concept, study summa­ries, main­ten­ance guide
  • Target groups: general prac­ti­tio­ners, inter­nists, phar­macists, sales force, patients

OTC: dietary supplements

  • News­letter, trade press releases, health tips as iPhone app
  • Target group: physi­cians, phar­macists, patients

OTC: UV protection

  • Inter­ac­tive web-based trai­ning on the topic of sun and UV protec­tion; inte­grated quiz and award program
  • Target group: consumers


  • Consul­ta­tion, adap­tion and trans­la­tion of content for an inter­na­tional iPad app on the topic of vaccination
  • Target group: physicians


  • Pain therapy: concept deve­lo­p­ment, concept adapt­a­tion, trans­la­tion and copy­wri­ting for an inter­na­tional premar­ke­ting campaign, patient brochure on neuro­pa­thic pain
  • Multiple scle­rosis: trade articles, press releases
  • Depres­sion, bipolar disorder, schi­zo­phrenia, dementia, sleep disor­ders, M. Alzheimer: folders, mailings, brochures, flyers, casu­i­stics, patient guides, scien­tific papers, diaries, trai­ning mate­rials, certi­fied advanced trai­ning course
  • Target groups: physi­cians, pati­ents, phar­macists, sales force


  • Erec­tile dysfunc­tion: sales force folder, patient brochure, flyer for waiting rooms, specia­list mailing, online guide, web content, newsletter
  • Urothe­lial carcinoma/prostate carci­noma: confe­rence coverage, inter­views, special publications
  • Stone manage­ment: e‑detailer
  • Target groups: urolo­gists, patients

Orphan dise­ases

  • Value dossiers national and inter­na­tional for orphan drugs


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