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Work samples

See some of our current refe­rences here. Please under­stand that due to legal and contrac­tual rest­ric­tions we can only show a certain selec­tion of our projects. If you have any further ques­tions please do not hesi­tate to contact us.

Patient guide to high blood pressure

Compre­hen­sive brochure on high blood pressure 

Mrs Kittner and her team support us in commu­ni­ca­ting with pati­ents. In colla­bo­ra­tion with our experts, they create brochures on various topics rela­ting to hyper­ten­sion or write articles for our magazines.

We are very satis­fied with the reali­sa­tion of the task and the concrete project results and look forward to further collaboration.

Dr. Barbara Pfeilschifter

CEO, Deut­sche Hoch­druck­liga e.V. DHL® & Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Hyper­tonie und Prävention

Geogra­phic atrophy

Consul­ting & Medical Writing

Petra advised and supported us in the pre-launch phase of an ophthal­mo­lo­gical product. She was able to make full use of her exten­sive exper­tise as a medical writer. Her areas of respon­si­bi­lity included both the concep­tua­li­sa­tion and crea­tion of various pieces of content on disease aware­ness and the medi­ca­tion itself. This also included the crea­tion of e‑detailers for the sales pitch.

We feel very well supported by Petra’s work in the marke­ting team and also in the company as a whole and value her very highly as a person.

Cornelia Funk

Brand Lead DACH, Apellis Germany GmbH

E‑learning on the topic of thera­peutic anti­bo­dies and their biosimilars

Certi­fied trai­ning for onco­lo­gists in Switzerland

We worked with Petra on the content design and crea­tion of an eLear­ning for medical profes­sio­nals. Petra’s content deve­lo­p­ment was of high quality and we received very posi­tive feed­back on the eLear­ning from rese­arch & industry. We will be happy to work with Petra again for further projects.

Fabian Schmid

Senior Project Manager, Mecaso

Resec­table NSCLC

Trans­la­tion of current onco­logy study summa­ries for univadis.de

We have been working with Petra for several years now and appre­ciate her compe­tent support in trans­la­ting onco­logy study summa­ries. In doing so, she demons­trates excel­lent medical and lingu­i­stic understanding.

Dr. med. Thomas Kron

Editor, Univ­adis Deutschland

Can vitamin D protect against severe COVID-19 progression?

Monthly news­letter for Hevert Arznei­mittel GmbH & Co. KG | May 2022 issue

We have been working successfully with Dr. Kittner and her team on our monthly specia­list group news­letter for several years. We feel very well supported by the broad exper­tise as well as the know­ledge of our products.

Frau Dr. med. Martina Weber

Mana­gerin Medical Affairs, Hevert Arznei­mittel GmbH & Co. KG

Our hearing — an inge­nious inven­tion many millions of years ago

Guest article in the maga­zine Vitakustik

Special pheno­mena rela­ting to hearing

Guest article in the maga­zine Vitakustik

How do other crea­tures hear?

Guest article in the maga­zine Vitakustik

Plantago ovata for irri­table bowel complaints

Adver­to­rial, Muco­falk®, Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH

We have been working with Ms. Kittner in a wide variety of areas and depart­ments since 2016 and have been and continue to be very satis­fied with the coope­ra­tion and work results.

Dr. Martin Strünkelnberg

Marke­ting Director, Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH