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About us

For some time past there have been three of us on the team. We comple­ment one another really well and each of us loves a chall­enge, alter­na­ting topics and exci­ting projects. Every client is diffe­rent, so the work never gets boring. Because we are always fully committed to our assign­ments, you can expect excep­tional results from us.

Dr. med. Petra Kittner

After my medical studies and an AIP resi­dency in derma­to­logy, I rather acci­den­tally stumbled upon the world of agen­cies and medical writing. I started out be gaining expe­ri­ence in account manage­ment and copy­wri­ting as a trainee at Publicis Vital in Frank­furt. In order to deepen my know­ledge, I completed further trai­ning as an online-jour­na­list and then worked for various compa­nies, mainly in mana­ge­rial posi­tions.  But at some point I wanted to strike out on a new path and decided to seek my fortune in self-employ­ment. With success: In the mean­time I have been able to convince a whole series of clients of my work and, toge­ther with my team, I look forward to new, varied and exci­ting tasks every day. The great thing about this is the wide variety of custo­mers and projects.

My passion is dancing. In the past ballet, modern and jazz dance, nowa­days mainly salsa. Next I would like to learn Tango Argentino.

Elke Reinecke

I studied a lot: biology, human biology, infor­ma­tion science and a bit of German studies. These subjects indi­cate that my future was never in the lab. After a brief excur­sion into medical infor­ma­tics, I ended up in specia­lized jour­na­lism. First as a busi­ness jour­na­list at the Handels­blatt publi­shing group, then for over a dozen years as a science jour­na­list, content manager and project manager at the science maga­zine Spek­trum der Wissenschaft.

At some point it was time to try some­thing new, and the leap into self-employ­ment beckoned. Old and new clients brought exci­ting tasks, but I couldn’t resist when regular work at PK Phar­ma­kom­mu­ni­ka­tion came along. Now I’m excited to see what new and inte­res­ting tasks await me here every day.

My passion: reno­vating and trying out new craft tech­ni­ques — with chan­geable results…

Dana Lin

Since I held my first phar­macy maga­zine in my hand at the age of 10, medical texts never ceased to fasci­nate me. 13 years later, I am a medical student in my 11th semester in Heidel­berg, a hobby writer and happy to be able to help shape texts at PK Pharmakommunikation.

Besides writing, I am passio­nate about other forms of crea­tive expres­sion. You can find me, for example, playing the flute, singing/songwriting/conducting in vocal ensem­bles, recor­ding audio­books on the micro­phone, or doing Irish dance.

And in addition:

Within our network, we also offer graphic design and imple­men­ta­tion of your projects as well as proofre­a­ding and prin­ting services.