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The Body Round­ness Index: a well-rounded concept?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) has a new chal­lenger: the Body Round­ness Index (BRI). The disad­van­tage of the BMI is that it only relates weight to height. It is ther­e­fore unsui­table for muscular people, because muscles weigh more than fat. Accor­ding to their BMI of 30 and more, both Arnold Schwar­zen­egger and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson would clearly be over­weight or obese.

The BRI provides a measure for asses­sing body shape and health risk based on height and waist circum­fe­rence. It aims to measure the round­ness of the body and provides a more accu­rate assess­ment of fat distri­bu­tion. A higher BRI indi­cates a rounder body shape and a higher risk of cardio­vas­cular disease – a recent publi­ca­tion high­lights it as a parti­cu­larly good indi­cator of health risks. However, it is actually based on an article that was published in 2013.

Other BMI alter­na­tives such as WHR (waist-to-hip ratio) and WtHR (waist-to-height ratio) are already poin­ting in the same direc­tion. However, BRI is a more advanced index that takes into account overall body round­ness. And WHR and WtHR have not yet received any truly resounding recognition.

It is to be feared that the BRI will not lead to a better under­stan­ding, at least for ‘normal people’. We once tried out calcu­la­tors on the websites of health insu­rance compa­nies and received the follo­wing health infor­ma­tion for a presu­mably average Anna Muster­frau (1.65 metres tall, 46 years old, 69 kilo­grams, size 42 – here waist size 78/hip size 102 cm):

BMI: You have a BMI of 25.34. You are slightly to modera­tely overweight.
WtHR: Your Waist-to-Height Ratio: 0.47. Great, your weight is within the normal range. With two more years of life (48), however, the result is: You are under­weight and should not lose any more weight.
WHR: Your WHR value is: 0.76. Your risk of coro­nary heart disease is 2.32x higher.
BRI: Your Body Round­ness Index (BRI) is: 2.86. This is a very slim body shape and indi­cates a rela­tively narrow waist and a very slim build.

Pretty confu­sing, isn’t it?