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The vampire diet: lots of garlic, lots of corn porridge

There’s still a while to go before carnival, but if you want to show real “vampire symptoms” in line with your costume, a corn porridge diet might be the trick for you. A diet predo­mi­nantly based on maize makes you suscep­tible to the defi­ci­ency disease pellagra, a vitamin B3 defi­ci­ency condi­tion. This causes, among other things, sensi­ti­vity to light, insomnia and anxious but also aggres­sive beha­viour. In the 18th century, a time when both maize as a major food­s­tuff promoted pellagra and the belief in vampires was parti­cu­larly wide­spread, there may have been a connec­tion of the two.

But also, garlic — tradi­tio­nally considered a deter­rent for human blood­su­ckers — is actually condu­cive to vampire charac­te­ristics. This is because the allicin contained in garlic inten­si­fies the “vampire-like” symptoms of the meta­bolic disease porphyria: because of impaired haemo­globin synthesis, anaemia and extreme sensi­ti­vity to light occur here.